Not sure where your place is in ministry? Start here.
 What do you uniquely bring to the table? It might be different than it was a few years ago.

Written By Robert E Logan

Christian Coaching Pioneer, Strategic Ministry Catalyst, Resource Developer, Empowering Consultant : Logan Leadership
Too often we assume our contribution is a static, unchanging, one-time thing: when we find it, that will be it! Yet the reality is, each person’s personal ministry contribution is a moving target. It changes and morphs throughout our lives as we learn, grow, and find ourselves in new situations. If it’s time for a refresh in your client’s (or even your own) ministry contribution here’s how to find your place.

6 Steps to Finding Your Place

6 steps to finding your contribution

1. Reflect

The first place to start is with reflection. Consider how you’ve contributed in the past and celebrate how God used you. Then think about how you’ve changed recently. 

As a coach, help clients reflect by asking questions like:

  • Where has your interest waned? 
  • What new interests have arisen? 
  • In what ways have you grown? 
  • What major life changes have you gone through or are you preparing for? 

2. Partner with the Holy Spirit

Take a season to pray and listen to the Holy Spirit about what—if any—new directions he may want you to take. 

As a coach, you can come alongside clients as they try to discern God’s voice. Ask them questions to help expand their thinking: 

  • What might God want you to do in this next season of life? 
  • Where do you currently see God at work? How might you join in? 
  • What people and situations has he brought across your path? 
  • Where do you sense the Spirit’s leading? 

You may be amazed at what people will come up with!

3. Consider needs

Make a practice of taking prayer walks through your community. Make a note when you feel a nudge of compassion or empathy and ask God to help you see where you might make a difference.

As a coach, ask clients to notice:

  • What events are taking place? 
  • Where are people hurting? 
  • What practical needs do you see? 
  • Who do you see on a regular basis?

4. Consider who you are

The Body of Christ holds great variety. No single person—no matter how gifted—can do everything. Nor is God calling us to do everything. Take time to listen to the still small voice of God. Consider what contribution he might be asking of us. It may or may not sound grand—but it is part of the coming Kingdom. God made each of us uniquely for an important purpose. Consider then how we can focus our energy on making our contribution as significant as possible. 

When Esther’s words were reported to Mordecai, 13 he sent back this answer: “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. 14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”  Esther 4:12-14

Usually God leads people to serve in areas they are passionate about and gifted for, after all God was the one who placed those seeds within you!

As a coach, questions like these can help your clients align needs with personal gifts and talents: 

  • Which needs did you see that stirred your heart? 
  • What can you do about them? 
  • How has God gifted you? 
  • What opportunities has he put at your disposal? 
  • How could he use you to make a difference? 

5. Consider the season

People find themselves in different seasons of life with different family and career responsibilities. As such, passions, wisdom, and ability change all the time. No matter the season, God has equipped you uniquely to contribute. In all cases, it is important to compare what you are hearing against scripture. 

A simple but powerful question that ensures clients of any age are contributing toward God’s work is:

  • How is what you are sensing God calling you to do in alignment with his Kingdom purposes? 

6. Try something 

Even if you’re not 100% sure its what you want to do—try it. Rather than remaining stationary until hearing from God for certain, most people find it more helpful to reach out and try serving in some way. See what God does. Look for the results. 

As a coach, help your client’s trust that as they move forward, the Holy Spirit will guide them and make the path forward clearer as they go.


Finding your place to contribute is a critical area of personal development, especially for leaders. The Personal Development Leadership Skills Guide is a great coaching tool that helps you address key areas of personal development for leaders. Each guide includes a written introduction, teaching points, scripture passages and reflection, and discussion questions for the areas of continuing in spiritual formation, managing time, managing money, engaging in life-long learning, and focusing personal ministry contribution.

Cover Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

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