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Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.
Helping clients define discipleship
Here’s a great exercise I picked up from Dave DeVries. If your client wants to make not just disciples, but disciplemakers– people who can make other disciples– here is an exercise to try…
Avoiding vision whiplash
If your coaching client’s ministry is constantly evolving their staff and congregation may be experiencing vision whiplash—and it’s painful. Here’s how to help…
What to do when your client is stuck
You have a coaching client who just isn’t moving forward on their goals. It happens to all of us. These 7 principles will help you troubleshoot and realign to gain momentum.
How to launch your coaching practice
Thinking of starting a coaching practice? Here are the essentials—and the nonessentials.
Before you give up on your coaching ministry
Something feels off in your coaching ministry. Attendance is down, excitement has waned, things feel stuck and you’re wondering if it’s just not going to work. Before you close up shop read this.
7 Coaching Tips to Help Address Burnout
If you coach pastors or ministry leaders, you’ve seen how the job can wear a person down. Here are red flags to look out for and some ways you can be intentional in addressing burnout in your coaching.