When Your Coaching Client is Wounded

When Your Coaching Client is Wounded

Most coaching clients are stuck in one way or another. Your job as coaches is to help them figure out how they can get unstuck. Your best methods are asking good questions, reflecting back what you are hearing, and drawing insights and direction out of the client. You...
Coaching Through Decision Fatigue

Coaching Through Decision Fatigue

As a coach, your goal is to help people along the path to see their vision become reality. It can be frustrating and discouraging when a client gets stuck. One obstacle that even the most passionate and clear thinking clients can come up against is decision fatigue....
Is Coaching Still Relevant?

Is Coaching Still Relevant?

You might think this is an odd question coming from Christian Coaching Tools. It’s not. All good businesses take a step back and ask hard questions. After all, no matter what you do, the goal is to be as effective as possible. So it’s important to put...