Excel through Prayerful Preparation

Excel through Prayerful Preparation

“What good did I provide?” That question creeps up at the most inopportune moments.  Even the most confident amongst us will wonder from time to time when things don’t meet expectations, or when questions don’t connect or we are distracted.  Prayerful preparation is a...
When your words simply mean more

When your words simply mean more

When you pray, your words mean more because you are inviting God to show his glory in and through people and situations. As a coach, a habit of prayer for your clients creates investment, builds trust, and results in more powerful coaching conversations. Intercessory...
How do you KNOW that’s from God?

How do you KNOW that’s from God?

If you have relaxed your habit of listening to the Spirit of God as you intercede for and interact with your coaching clients, you are likely noticing sluggish progress toward goals and objectives. Being in tune with the Spirit aligns your heart with God’s and...