4 Keys to Effective Fundraising
When coaching people in the non-profit sector the topic of fundraising is bound to come up. Here are some tips to help.

Written By Robert E Logan

Christian Coaching Pioneer, Strategic Ministry Catalyst, Resource Developer, Empowering Consultant : Logan Leadership
Most nonprofits have to raise funds—either to cover their own salary or for the organization. It’s also something most people dread dealing with… so of course it shows up in your coaching practice. But you don’t have to dread it too. In fact, we have a clear and easy way to coach your clients through creating an effective process for themselves.  

Coaching Pathway to Effective Fundraising

4 keys to effective fundraising

1. Perspective Adjustment

First, we need to help clients shift their perspective: fundraising is not a necessary evil, but actually an opportunity to disciple people. If God is in the endeavor, he has the resourcing out there somewhere. Your clients are called to have conversations to help those people discover this giving outlet. By having these conversations, they’re helping people think through their stewardship. They’re helping them think through their priorities and how they want to advance the Kingdom of God. I know when I did fundraising, this perspective shift made all the difference.

2. Prep Work

Your clients need to get clarity on what their vision is. Then they will need to be able to communicate that vision effectively and compellingly, over and over, and in multiple ways. Help them prioritize stories over statistics. What stories can they tell that illustrate the good results that the ministry is accomplishing? The women getting shelter from domestic violence. The children receiving nutritious meals. Practice with them until they are clear and direct. Additional points they’ll need to be able to communicate is how they or their organization will be able to accomplish that vision. If they are supported financially, what will they do? What results will be visible? How will they carry out that ministry? What track record do they have to indicate they can be successful? Your client’s answers to questions like these will provide credibility. 

3. Donor Relationships

People give because they believe in the vision, because you have a clear strategy and a proven track record, AND because they have a relationship with you. So you’ll need to walk through with your client who are those people they have a connection with. They can think through who they’ve impacted, who they have built relationships with, whose lives they’ve made a difference in. Once those people have been identified, you can help your client brainstorm how to get meetings set up with them. Generally, in person is best, zoom is second, phone is third. Group dinners can work well in some settings. Letters and emails rank far down the list in terms of effectiveness. 

4. Follow Up

Finally, don’t forget to coach them through the follow up. Although some people will make a giving commitment on the spot, most will require some type of follow up conversation. That can be a phone call or an email, but help your clients think through what type of follow-up would be best and when. Additionally, donors will want to see how their money is making a difference. Help your coaching clients plan an effective communication strategy that keeps donors updated and builds confidence in the work being accomplished.

Coaching Questions for Fundraising

Below are some good coaching questions you can use to walk your clients through the fundraising process. Most will find it much less daunting after they have a solid plan in place. Then they can carry out the plan faithfully—and leave the results up to God. 

  • What blockages are you running into regarding how you view fundraising? 
  • What is your vision? How can you communicate that vision in two minutes or less? What stories can you tell that really flesh out the vision? What materials will you need? 
  • How will you or your organization be able to accomplish that vision? If people support you financially, what will you do? What will be the visible, measurable results? 
  • How will you carry out the ministry? What track record do you have to indicate you can be successful?
  • Who can you ask for financial support? Who is in your sphere of influence? Who do you know? What reasons for giving would be compelling for them? 
  • How do you prepare for those appointments? What type of approach will be best for each person?   
  • What type of follow-up would be best after the conversations? How will you do that? When will you do that? 

Assertiveness Coaching Guide and Storyboard- If your nonprofit client is more comfortable in the background, they may need to some help building assertiveness. This powerful coaching tool from Logan Leadership helps.

Effective Communication Coaching Guide with Storyboard- How successfully we communicate with others ultimately impacts on things like our success, our self-esteem, our sense of well-being, the contribution we make at work and in our community – and even our health. This guide and storyboard from Logan Leadership provide a way to move through effective communication competencies in a sensible and cohesive way.

Photo by rupixen on Unsplash

Cover Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash

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