What sets you apart from other coaches? 
What makes you unique as a coach? Hint: It’s not your area of expertise.

Written By Robert E Logan

Christian Coaching Pioneer, Strategic Ministry Catalyst, Resource Developer, Empowering Consultant : Logan Leadership

Plenty of coaches have all kinds of areas of expertise. Many of them are trying hard to push their clients into a predetermined model or program within that area… without much regard for whether it’s really the right fit for that particular client. Your ability to customize your approach sets you apart.

It’s like David trying to wear Saul’s armor before going out to meet Goliath. The coach might say, “I have this great set of armor. It’s high quality and it will really protect you.” But if it’s too big for the client so they can barely move around in it, it’s not what they actually need. 

That’s why the best coaches start by customizing their processes. What’s good for the big church may not work well in a small church. What’s good in an urban setting may not translate to a rural setting, and so on. There’s an art to finding out what works and then adapting any process to the particular client—in a way that’s based on principles, not methods. 

The Customization Starting Point

the starting point for customization

Start by walking your client through questions like these: 

  • What are you trying to accomplish? 
  • What’s the outcome you want to achieve? 
  • What are the principles that govern what you’re doing? 
  • Who are the players? 
  • What options do you have for moving forward? 
  • What would it look like if your endeavor was successful? 

Your ability to ask good questions and listen to learn their unique circumstances and needs sets you apart. These questions provide you with an overall picture. After which it is helpful to move to asking, “What resources are out there that could be used or adapted for you?” Now, it’s okay to have a generic process in mind that you can help people customize. But what you want to avoid is telling your client—no matter what they are saying—“I have just the product or program for you. Just follow the steps; they’re the same for everyone.” 

Your goal as a coach is the tailor any process to the client you’re working with. And to tailor it in such a way that it fits them, their ministry context, and those they are trying to reach. Don’t try to force them into a ready-made suit of armor that is too heavy for them to walk around in—no matter how nice the armor is. Coaching is all about the solution actually fitting the problem. Your ability to do this sets you apart from the one-size fits all coaching that you see advertised everywhere. And you can help your clients create the environments, relationships, and processes that help them effectively get where they want to go. 


Christian Coaching Excellence*– Your roadmap to becoming a world class coach. Back by decades of research and practice, this book is the ultimate resource guide for ongoing growth. It offers insight, practical tips, and practical exercises to help you grow in all 9 Christian Coach Competencies and 55 accompanying behavioral expressions.

The 360° Christian Coach Assessment– How do you know if you are an excellent coach? This online assessment is backed by thorough qualitative research. Your report clearly and accurately identifies your coaching strengths and areas for improvement.

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Cover Photo by Patrycja Chociej on Unsplash

Photo by 12photostory on Unsplash

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