A risk that will make you a better coach
As a coach, you are great at asking hard questions—but they generally aren't about you. Turning the tables on yourself with your clients is a risk you need to take.

Written By Robert E Logan

Christian Coaching Pioneer, Strategic Ministry Catalyst, Resource Developer, Empowering Consultant : Logan Leadership
One of the things coaches least like to do is take stock of how well they are doing in their coaching relationships. The very line of inquiry is a risk because it puts us in a vulnerable position. After all, people would tell us if something was wrong, wouldn’t they? Or we’d sense it, wouldn’t we? Probably best to just continue along a smooth path without throwing potential barriers in our own way.

Yet by having the courage to ask the hard questions—the ones we may not like the answers to—we can model precisely the kinds of qualities we are helping to develop in those we are coaching. Those qualities include courage, resilience, a commitment to doing your best, and a reliance on God for our self-esteem rather than others.

If you’re willing to take the risk…

coach assessment

Here are some good questions you can ask. You will become a better coach by reflecting on the answers and making appropriate adjustments.

  • What progress have you made through our coaching relationship so far?
  • What am I doing (or not doing) that is helpful to you?
  • What do you wish I would do more often?
  • What changes might be helpful?
  • What direction are you sensing God would have us go next?

Note that none of these questions have pre-conceived answers or lead people toward particular conclusions. The goal is to foster honest communication. To the end, you should take the posture of listening with an open mind to whatever the Spirit might be communicating. The result will be stronger and more effective coaching relationships.

Formal Coach Assessment

There is no better tool to help you raise your coaching effectiveness than the 360° Christian Coach Assessment. The assessment measures your coaching in 9 competencies and 55 behavioral expressions. Once you discover where there’s room to grow, your report will point you to resources and exercises that will help you refine your skills and become a better coach. Learn more HERE.

Photo by chris robert on Unsplash
Cover Photo by janilson furtado on Unsplash

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