As a coach, your goal is to help people along the path to see their vision become reality. It can be frustrating and discouraging when a client gets stuck. One obstacle that even the most passionate and clear thinking clients can come up against is decision fatigue.
Decision Fatigue
Anyone who has remodeled or built a home knows that having a clear vision and goals in mind is important. And they know that things never go as planned. In addition to the multitude of decisions you have to make along the way (tile, flooring, closet organization, location of power outlets and lighting, paint colors and finish… the list seems never ending), unexpected decisions pop up constantly. The city requires an addition to the plan—how can you make that fit without compromising the flow of the space? Materials are held up for weeks setting the schedule for multiple subcontractors off—how can you keep things moving forward? Each additional decision means more time, more money, and more stress. It is exhausting.
The same is true for ministry. Clear vision and SMART goals are essential. And they will be challenged again and again. But ministry doesn’t end in a move-in day. The vision is bigger than what can be achieved in a lifetime—it is ongoing and ever growing. When ministry leaders become overwhelmed by decision making and burnout, the consequence is greater than abandoned construction.
You can coach clients struggling with decision fatigue and help them accomplish great things. But it will require moving forward more slowly. Rather than putting together full implementation plans, start by helping them narrow their focus to one decision at a time. What is the one best next step? From where you are right now, what is the one next thing you can do to move forward?
A Path Through Decision Fatigue
Creating an One Action-Reflection Loop can be a powerful way forward. Help your client plan some time for reflection; during this time they can take stock of where they currently are and dream about where they want to be. They only need clarity in a big picture dream sort of way, beyond that all you need to help them find is the one right next step. They don’t need to know the whole way to get there—just the next step. Like a flashlight on a dark night, the path is more clearly revealed with each step. Once they have taken that next step, engage the Action-Reflection Loop again. NOW what is the one right next step.
Encourage them to pray and listen to the Holy Spirit and allow him to guide their process each step of the way as they focus on the destination. Then they can act in obedience one step at a time. You’ll find that helping your clients engage in the Action-Reflection Loop, guided by the Holy Spirit, is far more helpful in moving your clients toward their desired destination than trying to work against their nature and ending up with them feeling overwhelmed by a full-fledged planning process.
Action Plan Evaluation Worksheet – This FREE download helps to keep the bog picture in mind while bringing clarity to each step.
Christian Coaching Essentials – This book offers tools, resources, examples, and practice exercises that you can use as refresher on Reflection and how the 5 R’s fluidly work together to help clients move forward and achieve their goals.
Cover Photo by Andrea Piacquadio
Photo by cottonbro studio