Accelerate Your Journey to Become the Best Coach You Can Be

Written By CCT Team

Robert E Logan and Gary Reinecke Christian Coaching Tools Co-Founders.

By Robert E. Logan and Gary B. Reinecke

You aren’t willing to settle for just okay—not when your calling is as important as empowering others through coaching. You understand at a felt level the difference good coaching can make… and you know not all coaching is of the same quality. It’s vital to know what level you are really serving your clients in order to accelerate your coaching effectiveness. So, how can you accurately gauge your own effectiveness?

What You Don’t Know

The problem is—you don’t know what you don’t know. None of us do. Without that knowledge, how can you continue to get better and better at coaching? Sure, you could blindly work on X area, then on Y skill. But you don’t know whether you’re really working in the highest leverage places. Why not try an informed approach to coach development? Instead of working harder, work smarter.

Accelerate Your Development

After you’ve done the basics of coach development—experiencing coaching for yourself, reading about coaching, getting some coach training, practicing coaching—you’re ready to accelerate to higher-level development. That means two things: working with a coach mentor and getting a 360° assessment.

Both of those crucial next steps mean you begin working with all the data. It’s like turning on a flashlight beneath a car.

Blind Spots

Even the best coaches have blind spots or under-developed areas. Reflections from an outside coach mentor or the data from an assessment can show you what your clients aren’t telling you. You’ll affirm your strengths and figure out how to go forward. By looking beneath the surface and getting a full and objective view of your coaching skills, you can you can find out where the highest leverage places are and focus there.

Accelerate Your Effectiveness

Working alongside a coach mentor—to get coaching on your coaching—is one of the best ways to improve. Just as in music or sports or chess, no one becomes truly excellent in their field without a coach. An experienced coach mentor can assess your skills in a variety of different competency areas and point out ways to grow and improve that you wouldn’t necessarily have thought of on your own. They can provide a tailored experience to move you toward coaching excellence. No matter where you currently are in your development, there is always somewhere to grow.

Many coach mentors choose to work in tandem with the 360° Christian Coach assessment. The data yielded by this assessment measures with scientific accuracy where you stand in each of the nine coaching competencies, further broken down into 55 microskills, covering all the bases. We’ve used this assessment instrument in-house for strategic partnerships and denominational consultations, but we want to make it more widely available to individual Christian coaches. We understand the value of quality coaching. You shouldn’t have to guess how you’re performing as a coach. You can actually find out.

Working Smarter, Not Just Longer

Now, we understand it can feel a little scary to see what areas you’re weak in. But no one needs to see these results except you. The knowledge you gain provides you with the key to knowing how to work smarter, not just harder and longer. You will be working on the right things. Knowledge provides the power and the leverage to accelerate real change and significant growth.

How have other coaches experienced taking the 360° Christian Coach Assessment? Here’s what one has to say:

“I thought I was a strong listener. The 360° Online Coach Assessment revealed that I was not as strong as I thought. With that new awareness I began honing my listening skills in partnership with my coach mentor. What a difference! I am now more confident and skillful in my listening skills to help people feel heard, process their feelings and thoughts – leading to new insights.”

Ready to accelerate your journey toward coaching excellence?

Connect with a coach mentor or learn more about the 360° Christian Coach assessment.

“The 360º Christian Coach Assessment is a powerful resource for anyone that is developing as a coach. This tool targets the specific behaviors of effective Christian coaching and then provides relevant feedback. I highly recommend you use this assessment to become more effective as a ministry coach.”

Need to do a little more research first?

Definitely read Christian Coaching Excellence.
The first part of the book is to read before you take an assessment so you are well-prepared; the second part shows you how to apply your assessment results, providing an extensive range of tools for all 9 competencies and all 55 microskills so you can laser focus right where you need to.

Avoid the embarrassment of falling prey to your own blind spots… find out what they are! Many people practicing Christian coaching are not serving at a high level of quality—but they don’t know it. Knowing where you are is the first step to accelerate your development as a coach. Be sure you’re working with all the pieces of the puzzle by enlisting the help of a coach mentor or taking a coach assessment.

Ready To Accelerate Your Journey to Become a Great Coach?

And if you’re ready to begin raising and multiplying more quality coaches yourself, click through to the next section of our website: Increase Ministry Results.

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